
Remedy “Life Style”

Anbuta Plus helps in considerably improving the Quality of life

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Remedy “Life Style”

Anbuta Plus helps in considerably improving the Quality of life

Anbuta Plus has been scientifically proven to be particularly effective on patients with Immunomcompromised conditions
Anbuta Plusis a homeopathic immunomodulator which helps to modulate the immune system by activating and enlarging the function of macrophages (a type of white blood cells) which, in turn, helps to improve the immune response of the whole body.
Benefits of taking Anbuta Plus
Anbuta Plus is easy to administer, handle, is readily available and affordable.
Anbuta Plus is a type of medication that helps resuscitate a depressed immune system.
Anbuta Plus helps to fight all kinds of immunity related problems.
Anbuta Plus’s effect of enlarging the macrophages helps in decreasing the incidence of opportunistic infections.
Anbuta Plus helps in boosting the immune system.
Anbuta Plus has no known side effect.
Anbuta Drops: Has the following ingredients:
1.Aconitum napellus DH20
2.Arsenicum album DH18
3.Asafoetida DH20
4.Calcarea carbonica DH16
5.Conium maculatum DH17
6.Ipecacuanha DH13
7.Phosphorus DH20
8.Rhus toxicodendron DH17
9.Silicea DH20
10.Sulfur DH24
11.Thuja occidentalis DH15
1. Administration of Anbuta Plus Drops
a)Strike the bottom of the bottle of Anbuta Plus, while holding it with one hand, on the palm of the other hand fifteen (15) times before taking the medicine.
b)Take prescribed dosage (10 drops for adults and 5 drops for children) under the tongue and leave it for 30 seconds (half a minute) before you swallow.
c)Take Anbuta Plus up to six times a day depending on the severity of the illness. The dosage can be advised by the doctor.
d)Do not eat or drink anything (except water) 30 minutes before and after taking Anbuta Plus.
e)Keep medicine away from sunlight, celphone, T.V., radio, fridge, microwave and other electronic appliances.

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30 ML


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