Forest Honey


Remedy “Life Style”

We are looking to nature for safe, healthy, time tested remedies. Honey is one of nature’s purest foods for promoting general health.

SKU: product1856 Category:


Remedy “Life Style”

We are looking to nature for safe, healthy, time tested remedies. Honey is one of nature’s purest foods for promoting general health. There are so many health benefits to honey; it truly is nature’s super food. You might be surprised to learn that it is a natural antimicrobial and antioxidant. In terms of antioxidants, darker is better when it comes to honey. Processed honey is heated and filtered, robbing it of natural nutrients. Honey has also been used throughout the ages as an all natural beauty product.

Honey is a powerful booster to the immune system. Raw honey contains
27 minerals,
22 amino acids and
5,000 live enzymes.

It keeps you healthy by fighting disease and boosting the digestive system. One daily spoonful in your tea or spread on your toast is all that is needed to reap these benefits.

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