Remedy “Life Style”

Homoeopathic preparation which makes it entirely safe for your body to consume and assimilate iron. It is free from any side effects whatsoever.

SKU: product1638 Category:


Remedy “Life Style”

Homoeopathic preparation which makes it entirely safe for your body to consume and assimilate iron. It is free from any side effects whatsoever.

  • Corrects anaemia due to blood loss.
  • Fulfills increased natural demand of iron in pregnancy.
  • Aids absorption of iron from food.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Normalizes haemoglobin level of blood.

Ferrum Plus raises 0.67gm% of haemoglobin in 5-6 weeks which is clinically proven at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

Dosage : Adults : 1 tablespoonful, three times a day.
Children : 1 teaspoonful, three times a day.

Additional information


30ml, 5Grams, 11ml, 10ml, 10Grams, 20ml, 100ml, 2Grams, 25Grams, 20Grams, 450Grams, 45Tab, 60Tab, 450ml, 500ml, 50ml, 100Grams, 200ml, 115ml, 200Grams, 75Grams, 200Tab, 125Grams, 75Tab, 150ml, 150Grams, 50Grams, 500Grams, 250ml, 1Lit, 30Grams, 30Tab, Blister, 60ml, 1Kg, 400Grams, 100Tab, 250Grams


1M, 200c, 30c, 60c, 6c, MT, 10M, LM1, LM3, LM5, LM7, 50M, CM, LM2, LM4, 3x, 6x, LM6, LM8, LM9, LM10, 1x, Unique Potency, 12x, 30x, 200x


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