Remedy “Hair and Scalp”

A perfect hair tonic.

SKU: product1645 Category:


Remedy “Hair and Scalp”

A perfect hair tonic.
The internal medication checks dandruff, premature greying of hair and split ends. The external preparation conditions scalp and hair and also nourishes the hair roots. Hair Aid is inevitable for natural growth of healthy hair.

Dosage : As directed by physician.

Additional information


30ml, 5Grams, 11ml, 10ml, 10Grams, 20ml, 100ml, 2Grams, 25Grams, 20Grams, 450Grams, 45Tab, 60Tab, 450ml, 500ml, 50ml, 100Grams, 200ml, 115ml, 200Grams, 75Grams, 200Tab, 125Grams, 75Tab, 150ml, 150Grams, 50Grams, 500Grams, 250ml, 1Lit, 30Grams, 30Tab, Blister, 60ml, 1Kg, 400Grams, 100Tab, 250Grams


1M, 200c, 30c, 60c, 6c, MT, 10M, LM1, LM3, LM5, LM7, 50M, CM, LM2, LM4, 3x, 6x, LM6, LM8, LM9, LM10, 1x, Unique Potency, 12x, 30x, 200x


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