Remedy “Male Disorders”

A perfect restorative health tonic for males.

SKU: product1671 Category:


Remedy “Male Disorders”

A perfect restorative health tonic for males.

  • Fights sexual disorders like premature or delayed ejaculation.
  • Relieves sexual neuraesthenia.
  • Restores lost vigour and vitality.

Dosage : 1 teaspoon twice daily after meals.

Additional information


30ml, 5Grams, 11ml, 10ml, 10Grams, 20ml, 100ml, 2Grams, 25Grams, 20Grams, 450Grams, 45Tab, 60Tab, 450ml, 500ml, 50ml, 100Grams, 200ml, 115ml, 200Grams, 75Grams, 200Tab, 125Grams, 75Tab, 150ml, 150Grams, 50Grams, 500Grams, 250ml, 1Lit, 30Grams, 30Tab, Blister, 60ml, 1Kg, 400Grams, 100Tab, 250Grams


1M, 200c, 30c, 60c, 6c, MT, 10M, LM1, LM3, LM5, LM7, 50M, CM, LM2, LM4, 3x, 6x, LM6, LM8, LM9, LM10, 1x, Unique Potency, 12x, 30x, 200x


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