Showing 1–9 of 90 results

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    Alfalfa Tonic 100 ML


    In conditions of anemia, loss of appetite, convalescence, especially after debilitating fevers or surgical operations, pregnancy, loss of weight and in growing children.

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    Alfalfa Tonic 500 ML


    In conditions of anaemia, loss of appetite, convalescence, especially after debilitating fevers or surgical operations, pregnancy, loss of weight and in growing children. 

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    Cineraria Eye Drops


    Cataract, a common problem in middle and old age, develops from a variety of reasons, including long-term ultraviolet exposure, exposure to radiation, secondary effects of diabetes and aging.Cineraria maritima succus is the drug of choice which surely prevents cataract, as endorsed by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH-1997), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Dr. J.H. Clarke mentioned successful use of Cineraria Maritima in cases of early cataract as an external application.


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    Dr. Reckeweg R 1


    Remedy “Childreen Disorders”


    Local inflammations, acute and chronic, of catarrhal and purulent nature, with swelling of the glands. Sudden infections and high fever, with irritations of the meninges, conjunctivas and pharynx.

    In particular: Inflammations and suppurations of the Iymphatics of the pharynx, mainly all forms of tonsillary angina, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, otitis media, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, meningitis, inflammations of the maxillary sinus and of the dental roots. Inflammations of glands; mumps, orchitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, parametritis, bartholinitis. 

    Acute rheumatic polyarthritis, monarthritis, arthritis urica. Lymphadenitis, Iymphangitis, phlegmonous inflammations, abscess, withlow, furuncles and carbuncles, erysipelas, quinsy. 

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    Dr. Reckeweg R 10


    Remedy “Female disorders”

    Climacteric complaints, flushes of heat, attacks of perspiration, physical weakness, depression, headaches, irregular menstruations, fluor pruritus vulvae, psychic exhaustion, indifference.

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    Dr. Reckeweg R 11


    Remedy “Orthopedic”

    Acute and chronic myalgia, lumbago, rheumatic diathesis aftereffects of drenchings, sprains, overstraining. Back pains of unknown genesis. Growing pains in muscles and bones.

    Sciatica from getting wet, from sitting on cold seat and suppressed perspirations. Chronic articular rheumatism with deformations. Spondylarthritis, spondylosis, sacroiliac arthritis. Rheumatic aches (muscles, articulations, ligaments) growing worse with change of temperature (humidity).

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    Dr. Reckeweg R 12


    Remedy “Orthopedic”

    General arteriosclerosis and hypertonia. Cerebral arteriosclerosis, aortic and coronary sclerosis, nephrosclerosis, dysbasia, abdominal dyspragia. Senility, weak memory, congestion of blood, vertigo, forgetfulness, tendency towards apoplexy and its consequences, predisposition to goitre, thyreotoxicosis.

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    Dr. Reckeweg R 13


    Remedy “Life Style”

    Hemorrhoids, itching, pains, bleeding, anal fissures, anal prolapsus, anal eczema, plethora.

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    Dr. Reckeweg R 14


    Remedy “Life Style”

    Insomnia and various disturbances of the sleep, superficial sleep, light sleep, sleeplessness, drowsiness in the morning, weariness during the day, vivacity in the evening. Nervous restlessness and over-excitement of the nervous system. Neurasthenia, consequences of mental conflicts of long duration.