Alfa-Betic®Forté helps in stimulating the mental processes while regenerating physical abilities that have deteriorated as a result of various ailments affecting the body.
The goodness of Alfalfa, renowned for its unique property of adding muscle tissue without adding fat, makes Alfalfa Forté the ideal speciality for underweight children, pregnant women and the aged.
Alfamalt®Forté is a malt based homoeopathic tonic which influences nutrition, evidenced in “toning up” the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with weight gain.
Aquifolium® Drops and Cream, is a ideal remedy for skin affected by acne, blackheads (close comedones) , whiteheads (open comedones) and similar skin ailments.
Aquifolium® Drops and Cream, is a ideal remedy for skin affected by acne, blackheads (close comedones) , whiteheads (open comedones) and similar skin ailments.
Arnikesh® is a medicated hair oil concentrate prepared in vegetable oil base, with combinations of herbal extracts having therapeutic efficacy of nourishing, revitalizing & conditioning the hair and scalp, thereby preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.