Calcarea acetica


Acetate of Lime

Has had brilliant clinical results in inflammation of mucous membranes characterized by a membranous exudation; otherwise its action and application is like the carbonate. Cancer pains.

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Acetate of Lime

Has had brilliant clinical results in inflammation of mucous membranes characterized by a membranous exudation; otherwise its action and application is like the carbonate. Cancer pains.

Head.–Vertigo in open air. Senses obscure while reading. Megrim, with great coldness in head and sour taste.

Female.–Membranous dysmenorrhœa (Borax).

Respiratory.–Rattling expiration. Cough loose, with expectoration of large pieces like casts of bronchial tubes. Breathing difficult; better bending shoulders backward. Constrictive anxious sensation in chest.

Relationship.–Compare: Brom; Borax; also Calc oxal, in excruciating pains of open cancer.

Dose.–Third trituration.


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