Remedy “Childreen Disorders”

It is a perfect growth promoter for children.

SKU: product1644 Category:


Remedy “Childreen Disorders”

It is a perfect growth promoter for children.

  • Relieves colic, diarrhoea, dentition disorders and worm infestations.
  • Checks weakness of memory.
  • Improves growth.
  • Fights food negativism and iron deficiency.

Dosage : Infants : 5 drops twice daily.
1-3 yrs. : 5 drops thrice daily.
3 yrs. & above : 10 drops thrice daily.

Additional information


30ml, 5Grams, 11ml, 10ml, 10Grams, 20ml, 100ml, 2Grams, 25Grams, 20Grams, 450Grams, 45Tab, 60Tab, 450ml, 500ml, 50ml, 100Grams, 200ml, 115ml, 200Grams, 75Grams, 200Tab, 125Grams, 75Tab, 150ml, 150Grams, 50Grams, 500Grams, 250ml, 1Lit, 30Grams, 30Tab, Blister, 60ml, 1Kg, 400Grams, 100Tab, 250Grams


1M, 200c, 30c, 60c, 6c, MT, 10M, LM1, LM3, LM5, LM7, 50M, CM, LM2, LM4, 3x, 6x, LM6, LM8, LM9, LM10, 1x, Unique Potency, 12x, 30x, 200x


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