Kali arsenicosum


Fowler’s Solution

The Kali ars patient tends towards malignancy, and inveterate skin diseases. He is restless, nervous and anæmic.

SKU: product667 Category:


Fowler’s Solution

The Kali ars patient tends towards malignancy, and inveterate skin diseases. He is restless, nervous and anæmic.

Skin.–Intolerable itching, worse undressing. Dry, scaly, wilted. Acne; pustules worse during menses. Chronic eczema; itching worse from warmth, walking, undressing.Psoriasis, lichen. Phagedænic ulcers. Fissures in bends of arms and knees. Gouty nodosities; worse, change of weather. Skin cancer, where suddenly an alarming malignancy without any external signs sets in. Numerous small nodules under skin.

Female.–Cauliflower excrescences of os uteri, with flying pains, foul smelling discharge, and pressure below pubis.


Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency.


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