Mercurialis perennis


Dog’s Mercury

Great exhaustion and drowsiness. Tumor at ensiform appendix, very sensitive. Affections of the muscular fibers of stomach, intestines, bladder.

SKU: product813 Category:


Dog’s Mercury

Great exhaustion and drowsiness. Tumor at ensiform appendix, very sensitive. Affections of the muscular fibers of stomach, intestines, bladder.

Head.–Vertigo on going down stairs. Head confused. Pain as from a band tightly across forehead. Nostrils sore, conscious of nose, feels as if she had two noses.

Mouth.–Great dryness of mouth and throat, tongue feels heavy and dry, numb. Burning blisters of tongue, lips and cheeks. Ulcers on palate, tonsils and back of pharynx. Dryness of throat.

Female.–Amenorrhœa, scanty menses, accompanied with orgasms. Pains and swelling of breasts. Dysmenorrhœa.

Relationship.–Compare: Borax; Croton; Euphorb.

Dose.–Third potency.


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