Remedy “Life Style”
Jet lag can mean:
- Fatigue
- Disorientation
- Lack of concentration & motivation
- Broken sleep after travel
- Dehydration
- Discomfort of legs & feet
- Traveling sickness, motion sickness.
Jetlag is the curse of modern jet travel, resulting in loss of?working efficiency & holiday enjoyment, often for days?after arrival.?No-Jet-Lag, a unique homeopathic remedy,?now offers a?convenient solution. Its effectiveness has been proven?scientifically & is recognized has been proven scientifically?& is recognized internationally by business & pleasure?travelers, professional athletes/teams, elebrities, tour?operators, travel agents, flight crews, military &?diplomatic personnel.
No-Jet-Lag?homeopathic is well known & respected in?New Zealand where it was developed & has been available?since 1990.?Clinically proven effective Take No-Jet-Lag and?Feel fresher after arrival?No-Jet-Lag is a unique product, specially formulated &?rigorously tasted to alleviate jet lag. This is the only remedy?proven effective in clinical trial that crossed 24 times zone &?involved athletes who are seasoned travelers & is also?backed by study of international flight attendants who found?No-Jet-Lag effective.
Like all homeopathic remedies, it is most effective if taken?separately from meals, but this is not essential. Its is?recognized that long-haul passengers often sleep for long?periods in flight & wake only for meals & layovers, so NOJet-?Lag has been formulated to ensure it will be effective?even with meals, including coffee.?No-Jet-Lag does not counter the effect of alcohol, lack of?sleep, or pre-existing medical conditions.
Directions?for?Taking No-Jet-Lag?Taking No-Jet-Lag is easy & convenient. Chew two tablets?each time your plane takes off & each time it lands, even if?you are not disembarking, to counter the effects of pressure?changes and one every two hours while flying to counter the?effects of long-haul flight. However, intervals of up to four?hours between tablets are acceptable if sleeping in flight.?No-Jet-Lag is best taken separately from meals, but this is?not essential. It can be taken with other types of medication.?Each pack of No-Jet-Lag contains 120 tablets, enough for?over 20 hours of flying (equivalent to an around-the-world?trip)
Manufactured accounting to the Homeopathic?pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).
Now No-Jet-Leg is available in India made from original?German dilutions. You can order No-Jet-Lag from any?where across the world.
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