Remedy “Orthopedic”

Orthomove massage oil is enriched with homeoptahic medicines that penetrate weiftly to the area of pain. After penetration the active ingrediants stimulate circulation,relax stiffness abd tense painful tissues.

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Remedy “Orthopedic”

Orthomove massage oil is enriched with homeoptahic medicines that penetrate weiftly to the area of pain. After penetration the active ingrediants stimulate circulation,relax stiffness abd tense painful tissues.

Best suited for Arthritis, Muscular pain, Backache, Joints pain, Sprains and cramps

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30ml, 5Grams, 11ml, 10ml, 10Grams, 20ml, 100ml, 2Grams, 25Grams, 20Grams, 450Grams, 45Tab, 60Tab, 450ml, 500ml, 50ml, 100Grams, 200ml, 115ml, 200Grams, 75Grams, 200Tab, 125Grams, 75Tab, 150ml, 150Grams, 50Grams, 500Grams, 250ml, 1Lit, 30Grams, 30Tab, Blister, 60ml, 1Kg, 400Grams, 100Tab, 250Grams


1M, 200c, 30c, 60c, 1M, 6c, MT, 10M, LM1, LM3, LM5, LM7, 50M, CM, LM2, LM4, 3x, 6x, LM6, LM8, LM9, LM10, 1x, Unique Potency, 12x, 30x, 200x


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