Osmium metallicum


The Element

Irritation and catarrh of respiratory organs. Eczema. Albuminuria. Pain in trachea. Increases and gives odor to local perspiration. Causes adhesion of the nail fold.

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The Element

Irritation and catarrh of respiratory organs. Eczema. Albuminuria. Pain in trachea. Increases and gives odor to local perspiration. Causes adhesion of the nail fold.

Head.–Feels as if a band around head. Falling off of hair (Kali carb; Fluor ac).

Nose.–Coryza, with full feeling in nose. Nose and larynx sensitive to air. Small lumps of phlegm from posterior nares.

Eyes.–Glaucoma; with iridescent vision. Violent supra and infra-orbital neuralgia; violent pains and lachrymation. Green colors surround candle-light. Conjunctivitis. Increase in intra-ocular tension, dim sight, photophobia.

Respiratory.–Acute laryngitis; cough and expectoration of tough, stringy mucus. Convulsive cough; feels as though membrane were torn from larynx. Noisy, dry, hard, cough, in violent short bursts, coming from low down, shaking the whole body. Talking causes pain in larynx. Hoarse; pain in larynx; sore sternum. Twitching of fingers, with spasmodic cough.

Skin.–Eczema, with pruritus. Irritated skin. Itching pimples. Bromidrosis, sweat in axilla smelling of garlic, worse evening and night. Fold remains attached to growing nail.

Relationship.–Compare: Argent; Iridium; Selen; Mangan.

Dose.–Sixth potency.


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