Piper methysticum


The intoxication produced by Kava is of a silent and drowsy character with incoherent dreams, loss of muscular power.

Urinary and skin symptoms have been verified. Marked modality. Arthritis deformans. Colic with flatulence.

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The intoxication produced by Kava is of a silent and drowsy character with incoherent dreams, loss of muscular power.

Urinary and skin symptoms have been verified. Marked modality. Arthritis deformans. Colic with flatulence.

Mind.–Very sensitive. Exaltation of mind. Amelioration of pains for a time by diverting attention. Restless desire to change position.

Urine.–Increased. Burning during micturition, gonorrhœa, and gleet. Cystitis. Chordee.

Skin.–Scaly. Fall of scales leaves white spots, which often ulcerate. Leprosy. Ichthyosis.

Extremities.–Pain in right arm. Hands feel paralyzed. Pain in thumb-joint.

Relationship.–Compare: Chaulmoogra-Taraktogenos–(The oil and its derivatives are to a certain extent effective in the treatment of leprosy, especially in early cases).

Bixa orellana, a South American plant related to Chaulmoogra, recommended for leprosy, eczema and elephantiasis.

Modalities.–Better, by turning mind to another topic; changing position.

Dose.–Tincture, and lower potencies.

Additional information


30 ML


6c, 30c, 200c, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, MT, LM1, LM2, LM3, LM4, LM5, LM6, LM7, LM8, LM9, LM 10


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