Saponaria officinale


Soap Root

Of great use in the treatment of acute colds, coryza, sore throat, etc. Will often “break up” a cold.

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Soap Root

Of great use in the treatment of acute colds, coryza, sore throat, etc. Will often “break up” a cold.

Mind.–Utter indifference to pain or possible death. Apathetic, depressed, with sleepiness.

Head.–Stitching pain, supraorbital; worse, left side, evening, motion. Throbbing over orbits. Congestions to head; tired feeling in nape. Coryza. Sensation of drunkenness with constant endeavor to go left-wards. Left-sided trigeminal neuralgia, especially supraorbital. Stopped up feeling in nose, also itching and sneezing.

Eyes.–Violent eye pains. Hot stitches deep in eyeball. Ciliary neuralgia; worse, left side. Photophobia. Exophthalmos, worse reading and writing. Increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma.

Stomach.–Difficult swallowing. Nausea, heartburn; full feeling not relieved by eructation.

Heart.–Impulse weak; pulse less frequent. Palpitation with anxiety.

Modalities.–Worse, at night, mental exertion, left side.

Relationship.–Compare: Saponin-a glucosidal principle found in Quillaya, Yucca, Senega, Dioscorea and other plants (Tired, indifferent. Pain in left temple, eye, photophobia, hot stitches deep in eye. Fifth nerve affections. Migraine. Much pain before the menstrual flow; severe sore throat, worse right side; tonsils swollen, worse in warm room. Sharp burning taste and violent sneezing).

Compare, also: Verbasc; Coccul (both containing Saponin). Quillaya; (Anagallis, Agrostema, Helonias, Sarsaparilla, Paris, Cyclamen and others contain Saponin).


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