Showing 1–9 of 41 results
5 Phos
For tissue building and nutrition to nerves, brain and bones. Tonic for chronically wasting diseases, anaemia, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality Weakness caused by child bearing; neurasthenia, anxiety, impaired memory and physical & mental exhaustion due to over work -
Bio com No 1
Irritable children with poor digestion, waxy appearance of skin, neurasthenia and continuous loss of blood from any part of the body
Bio com No 10
Inflamed and follicular tonsillitis, painful with white coating or greying white patches on tongue or tonsils, bad breath with loss of appetite
Bio com No 12
Headache due to exposure to sun, sleeplessness, sluggish liver, worries
Bio com No 13
General weakness of young girls with or without functional neurosis
Bio com No 14
Sneezing and thin discharge from nose, watery eyes, throbbing headache, cough and fever
Bio com No 15
Irregular menses, scanty in young girls, excessive in elderly women, metrorrhagia, long lasting profuse menses and painful menstruation
Bio com No 16
Lassitude, depression, irritability, hysterical behaviour, night terror, somnambulance, sleeplessness, impaired memory