Showing 334–342 of 1942 results

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    Remedy “Female disorders”

    Drugs specially compounded in tablet form, for their effect on the uterus and ovaries.

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    Aurum arsenicum

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    Aurum bromatum

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    Aurum iodatum

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    Aurum metallicum


    Metallic Gold

    Given full play, Aurum develops in the organism, by attacking the blood, glands, and bone, conditions bearing striking resemblance to mercurial and syphilitic infections; and it is just for such deteriorations of the bodily fluids and alterations in the tissues, that Aurum assumes great importance as a remedy. Like the victim of syphilis, mental states of great depression are produced by it. Hopeless, despondent, and great desire to commit suicide. Every opportunity is sought for self-destruction. Exostosis, caries, nightly bone-pains, especially cranial, nasal, and palatine. Glands swollen in scrofulous subjects. Palpitation and congestions. Ascites often in conjunction with heart affections. Frequently indicated in secondary syphilis and effects of mercury. This use of gold as an anti-venereal and anti-scrofulous remedy is very old, but has been well-nigh forgotten by the old school until rediscovered and placed on its scientific basis by homeopathy, and now it can never be lost again. When syphilis is implanted on the scrofulous constitution, we have one of the most intractable morbid conditions, and gold seems to be especially suited to the vile combination. Ennui. Ozæna; sexual hyperæsthesia. Arterio-sclerosis, high blood pressure; nightly paroxysms of pain behind sternum. Sclerosis of liver, arterial system, brain. Pining boys; low spirited, lifeless, weak memory.

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    Aurum muriaticum

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    Aurum muriaticum natronatum


    Sodium Chloroaurate

    This remedy has a most pronounced effect on the female organs, and most of its clinical application has been based thereon. Has more power over uterine tumors than any other remedy (Burnett). Psoriasis syphilitica. Periosteal swelling on lower jaw. Swelling of testicle. High blood pressure due to disturbed function of nervous mechanism. Arterio-sclerosis Syphilitic ataxia.

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    Aurum nitricum
