Showing 568–576 of 1942 results

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    Cascara sagrada


    Sacred Bark

    Introduced as a palliative for constipation (non-homeopathic), fifteen drops of fluid extract here it restores normal function by its tonic effects, but it has a wider sphere of action, as careful provings will show. Chronic indigestion, cirrhosis and jaundice. Hæmorrhoids and constipation. Gastric headache. Broad, flabby tongue; foul breath.

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    Sweet Bark

    Acts on the digestive tract; constipation. Aversion to smell of tobacco. Inclination to vomit very marked.

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    Cassia fistula

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    Cassia sophera

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    Castanea vesca


    Chestnut Leaves

    A useful remedy in whooping-cough, especially in the early stage, with dry, ringing, violent, spasmodic cough. Desire for warm drinks. Very thirsty. Loss of appetite. Diarrhœa. Thick urine.

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    Castor equi


    Rudimentary Thumb-nail of the Horse

    General action on thickening of the skin and epithelium. Psoriasis linguæ. The clinical experience of Hering and his fellow-provers has shown this to be highly useful remedy incracked and ulcerated nipples. Affects principally female organs. Acts on the nails and bones; pain in right tibia and coccyx. Warts on forehead. Warts on breast. Chapped hands.

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    Castoreum canadensis


    The Beaver

    A great remedy for hysteria. Prostration marked.

    Hysterical symptoms. Day-blindness; cannot endure the light. Nervous women who do not recover fully, but are continually irritable, and suffer from debilitating sweats. Spasmodic affections after debilitating diseases. Constant yawning. Restless sleep with frightful dreams and starts.

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    Cataria nepeta



    Children’s remedy for Colic, also for nervous headache and hysteria, abdominal complaints, pain, flexing of thighs, twisting of body, crying. Similar to chamomilla and magnes phosph.

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    Catharine Shampoo


    Remedy “Herbal Cosmetics”

    A special anti-dandruff preparation recommended exclusively for treating the dry scalp and hair conditions, seborrhea, scaly skin problems and falling of hair.