Showing 901–909 of 1312 results
Oenanthe crocata
Water Dropwart
Epileptiform convulsions; worse, during menstruation and pregnancy. Puerperal eclampsia; uræmic convulsions. Burning in throat and stomach, nausea and vomiting. Red spots in face. Convulsive facial twitching. Skin affections, especially lepra and ichthyosis.
(NERIUM ODORUM)Has a marked action on the skin, heart and nervous system, producing and curing paralytic conditions with cramp-like contractions of upper extremities. Hemiplegia. Difficult articulation.
Oleum animale
Dippel’s Animal Oil
Acts on the nervous system, especially on pneumo-gastric region. Useful in migraine and neuralgia of spermatic cord. Burning pains and stitches. “Pulled upward” and “from behind forward” pains.
Oleum jecoris aselli
Cod-liver Oil
Internally, a nutrient and a hepatic and pancreatic remedy (Burnett). Emaciation, lassitude, scrofulous diseases, rheumatic affections. Atrophy of infants; emaciation with hot hands and head; restless and feverish at night. Pains in liver region. Tuberculosis in the beginning.
Oleum santali
Oil of Sandalwood
The action in the urinary and sexual spheres is most utilizable, especially in gonorrhœa. It is also a stimulating, disinfectant expectorant. Two or three drops on sugar will frequently relieve the hacking cough, when but little sputum is expectorated.
Oniscus asellus
(MILLEPEDES)Has distinct diuretic properties; hence its use in dropsies. Asthmatic conditions, with bronchial catarrh.
False Gromwell
(ONOSMODIUM)Want of power of concentration and co-ordination. Vertigo, numbness and muscular prostration. Marked association of head and eye symptoms, with muscular tiredness and weariness.