Showing 901–909 of 1312 results

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    Oenanthe crocata

    Water Dropwart

    Epileptiform convulsions; worse, during menstruation and pregnancy. Puerperal eclampsia; uræmic convulsions. Burning in throat and stomach, nausea and vomiting. Red spots in face. Convulsive facial twitching. Skin affections, especially lepra and ichthyosis.

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    Has a marked action on the skin, heart and nervous system, producing and curing paralytic conditions with cramp-like contractions of upper extremities. Hemiplegia. Difficult articulation.

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    Oleum animale

    Dippel’s Animal Oil


    Acts on the nervous system, especially on pneumo-gastric region. Useful in migraine and neuralgia of spermatic cord. Burning pains and stitches. “Pulled upward” and “from behind forward” pains.

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    Oleum jecoris aselli


    Cod-liver Oil

    Internally, a nutrient and a hepatic and pancreatic remedy (Burnett). Emaciation, lassitude, scrofulous diseases, rheumatic affections. Atrophy of infants; emaciation with hot hands and head; restless and feverish at night. Pains in liver region. Tuberculosis in the beginning.

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    Oleum santali

    Oil of Sandalwood

    The action in the urinary and sexual spheres is most utilizable, especially in gonorrhœa. It is also a stimulating, disinfectant expectorant. Two or three drops on sugar will frequently relieve the hacking cough, when but little sputum is expectorated.

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    Oniscus asellus


    Has distinct diuretic properties; hence its use in dropsies. Asthmatic conditions, with bronchial catarrh.

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    False Gromwell

    Want of power of concentration and co-ordination. Vertigo, numbness and muscular prostration. Marked association of head and eye symptoms, with muscular tiredness and weariness.