Showing 1027–1035 of 1312 results

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    Artificial Sepsin

    This remedy was introduced by English Homeopathists, prepared from decomposed lean beef allowed to stand in the sun for two weeks and then potentized. The provings and most of the clinical experience have been obtained from this preparation. But, subsequently, Dr. Swan potentized some septic pus, which preparation has also been proved and clinically applied. There does not seem to be any marked difference in their effects.

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    Acts on gastric organs as a tonic (Gentian; Hydr). Seems to possess marked action on eyes, producing amblyopia and cataract. Pain in right intercostal muscles above the liver. Pressure and stitches in liver, and sympathetically in spleen.

    Stomach.–Atonic dyspepsia, with gas and acidity. Heart-burn and gastralgia. Regurgitation of food. Abdomen feels empty and retracted. Dyspepsia after infectious diseases; especially grip, dysentery. Tongue dry or with brown sticky coating. Cirrhosis of liver with ascites.

    Urinary.–Excessive desire-impossible to retain urine; copious micturition day and night. As soon as the child wakes up the bed is drenched.

    Extremities.–Inclination to yawn and stretch (Rhus). Sensation of coldness over back. Prostration, with hunger. Cold extremities, with sensation of internal coldness (Helo-derma).

    Dose.–First to third potency, or spoonful doses of Aqua Quassiae.

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    The digitalis of the lungs (Hale). Removes temporary obstruction to the oxidation of the blood by stimulating respiratory centers, increasing oxidation and excretion of carbonic acid. Pulmonary stenosis. Thrombosis of pulmonary artery. Uræmic dyspnœa. An effective remedy in many cases of asthma. It stimulates the respiratory centers and increases the oxygen in the blood. “Want of breath” during exertion is the guiding symptom. Cardiac asthma.

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    Quercus e glandibus


    Spirit distilled from Tincture of Acorn Kernels

    Used first by Rademacher for chronic spleen affections; spleen-dropsy. Antidotes effects of Alcohol. Vertigo; deafness, with noises in head. Takes away craving for alcoholics; give dose as below for several months. Dropsy and liver affections. Useful in gout, old malarial cases with flatulence.

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    Quillaya saponaria


    Chile Soap-bark

    Produces and cures symptoms of acute catarrh, sneezing and sore throat. Most effective in the beginning of coryza, checking its further development. Colds with sore throat; heat and dryness of throat. Cough with difficult expectoration. Squamous skin

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