Showing 1225–1233 of 1312 results

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    Tilia europaea


    Of value in muscular weakness of the eye; hæmorrhage o thin, pale blood. Puerperal metritis. Diseases of the antrum (Kali hyd; Chelid).

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    Titanium metallicum

    The Metal

    Is found in the bones and muscles. Has been used in lupus and tuberculosis processes externally, also in skin disease, nasal catarrh, etc. Apples contain 0. 11 per cent of Titan. Imperfect vision, the peculiarity being that half an object only could be seen at once. Giddiness with vertical hemiopia. Also, sexual weakness, with too early ejaculation of semen in coitus. Bright’s disease. Eczema, lupus, rhinitis.

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    Tribulus terrestris


    An East Indian drug useful in urinary affections, especially dysuria, and in debilitated states of the sexual organs, as expressed in seminal weakness, ready emissions and impoverished semen. Prostatitis, calculous affections and sexual neurasthenia. It meets the auto-traumatism of masturbation correcting the emissions and spermatorrhœa. Partial impotence caused by overindulgence of advancing age, or when accompanied by urinary symptoms, incontinence, painful micturition, etc.

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    Trifolium pratense

    Red Clover

    Produces most marked ptyalism. Feeling of fullness with congestion of salivary glands, followed by increased copious flow of saliva. Feeling as if mumps were coming on.Crusta lactea; dry, scaly crusts. Stiff neck. Cancerous diathesis.

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    Trillium pendulum

    White Beth-root

    A general hæmorrhagic medicine, with great faintness and dizziness. Chronic diarrhœa of bloody mucus. Uterine hæmorrhage. Threatened abortion. Relaxation of pelvic region. Cramp-like pains. Phthisis with purulent and copious expectoration and spitting of blood.