Showing 118–126 of 1312 results
Anatherum muricatum
A skin remedy of high order.
Painful swelling of various parts, going on to suppuration. Glandular inflammation.
Head.–Pains pierce brain like pointed arrows; worse in afternoon. Herpes, ulcers, and tumors on scalp. Wartlike growth on eyebrows. Boils and tumors on tip of nose. Tongue fissured, as if cut on edges; copious salivation.
Angustura vera
Rheumatic and paralytic complaints-great difficulty in walking. Crackling in all joints.
The greatest craving for coffee is a characteristic symptom. Caries of long bones. Paralysis. Tetanus. Stiffness of muscles and joints. Oversensitive.
Principal action on spinal motor nerves and mucous membranes.
Anhalonium lewinii
Mescal Button
(ANHALONIUM)Mescal is a strong intoxicating spirit distilled from Pulque fuerte. Pulque is made from the Agave Americana of Mexico, locally known as Maguey and is the national beverage of Mexico. Indians call it Peyote. It weakens the heart, produces insanity. Its most striking effects appear in the auditory nerve for it makes each note upon the piano a center of melody which seems to be surrounded by a halo of color pulsating to the rhythm of the music” (Hom. World).
Coal Tar Product-Amidobenzene
Marked giddiness and pain in head; face has a purple hue. Pain in penis and scrotum with swelling. Tumors of the urinary passages. Profound anæmia with discoloration of skin, blue lips, anorexia, gastric disturbances. Swelling of skin.