Showing 487–495 of 1312 results
Echinacea angustifolia
Purple Cone-flower
(ECHINACEA – RUDBECKIA)We are indebted to the Eclectic school for this remarkable medicine as a “corrector of blood dyscrasia”. Acute auto-infection. Symptoms of blood poisoning, septic conditions generally. Diarrhœa in typhoid. Gonorrhœa. Boils. Erysipelas and foul ulcers. Gangrene. Goitre with exophthalmic symptoms; full doses, also injecting 5-10 drops into thyroid gland. Tendency to malignancy in acute and subacute disorders. Last stages of cancer to ease pain. Venom infection. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Puerperal infections. Tired feeling. Piles. Pustules. Acts on vermiform appendix thus has been used for appendicitis, but remember it promotes suppuration and a neglected appendicitis with pus formation would probably rupture sooner under its use. Lymphatic inflammation; crushing injuries. Snake bites and bites and stings generally. Foul discharges with emaciation and great debility.
Elaps corallinus
Similar to snake-poisons generally. Has very marked black discharges. Cold things disagree. Desire for sweetened buttermilk. Nausea and vomiting. Prostrating diarrhœa of consumption. Acidity of stomach, with faint feeling. Sudden pain in stomach. Spasm of œsophagus; pharynx constricted; food and liquids suddenly arrested, and then fall heavily into stomach. Spasms followed by paresis. Cold feeling in stomach. Fruits and ice-water lie very cold. Right-sided paralysis. Must have oscillatory motion. Rheumatic constitutions. Ear, nose and throat symptoms important.
Elaterium officinarum
Squirting Cucumber
(ELATERIUM – ECBALIUM)This is an invaluable remedy in violent vomiting and purging, especially if the evacuations are copious and watery. It is a very efficient remedy in certain forms of dropsy. Much yawning and stretching. Beriberi; choleraic conditions; urticaria and mental disorders coming on as a consequence of suppressed malaria. Irresistible desire to wander from home at night. Effects of damp weather.