Showing 622–630 of 1312 results

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    Hydrastis canadensis

    Golden Seal

    Acts especially on mucous membranes, relaxing them and producing a thick, yellowish, ropy secretion. The catarrh may be anywhere,-throat, stomach, uterus, urethra,-it is always characterized by this peculiar mucous discharge. Hydrastis is especially active in old, easily-tired people, cachectic individuals, with great debility. Cerebral effects prominent, feels his wits sharpened, head cleared, facile expression. Weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation. Lumbago. Emaciation and prostration. Its action on the liver is marked. Cancer and cancerous state, before ulceration, when pain is principal symptom. Goitre of puberty and pregnancy. Small-pox internally and locally. The power of Hydrastis over smallpox seen in modifying the disease, abolishing its distressing symptoms, shortening its course, lessening its danger and greatly mitigating its consequences (J. J. Garth Wilkinson).

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    Hydrocotyle asiatica

    Indian Pennywort

    Curative in disorders that exhibit interstitial inflammation and cellular proliferation in any part. Hypertrophy and induration of connective tissue. Has considerable reputation inleprosy and lupus, when there is no ulceration. The skin symptoms are very important. Of great use in ulceration of womb. Difficulty in maintaining the upright posture. Very copious perspiration. Pains of cervical cancer.

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    Lyssin-Saliva of Rabid Dog

    Affects principally the nervous system; aching in bones. Complaints from abnormal sexual desire. Convulsions brought on by dazzling light or sight of running water.