Showing 955–963 of 1908 results
GL = Glycerin; O = Oxygen; N = Nitrogen
Nitro-glycerine–Spirits Glycerinus NitrateRecent German provings of Glonoine confirm the original American provings and clinical indications and bring out very marked nerve disturbances. Great lassitude, no inclination to work; extreme irritability, easily excited by the slightest opposition, ending in congestive head symptoms. The sixth potency alone produced itching all over body with later acne and furuncle formation, also bulimy.
Glow Care
₹1.00Remedy “Herbal Cosmetics”
(Complexion Cream) To Glorify Your Skin Texture)
Used homeopathically, dynamized Glycerine seems to act
deeply and long, building up tissue, hence of great use in marasmus, debility, mental and physical, diabetes, etc. It disturbs nutrition in its primary action, and, secondarily, seems to improve the general state of nutrition (Dr. Wm. B. Griggs).
Gnaphalium polycephalum
Cud-weed-Old Balsa
(GNAPHALIUM)A remedy of unquestioned benefit in sciatica, when pain is associated with numbness of the part affected. Rheumatism and morning diarrhœa. Polyuria.
Remedy “Life Style”
A safe & gentle homoeopathic way to overcome addiction to alcohol and smoking.
₹150.00Remedy “Life Style”
Gorse is the remedy for people who have given up belief and hope. Gorse represents a stronger kind of downheartedness than the Gentian state, because Gorse people wilfully refuse to be encouraged, so certain are they that their case is hopeless. If ill, they may think themselves incurable, and that nothing can be done.
Gossypium herbaceum
(GOSSYPIUM)A powerful emmenagogue, used in physiological doses. Homeopathically, it corresponds to many reflex conditions, depending on disturbed uterine function and pregnancy. Gossypium will relieve tardy menses, especially with sensation that the flow is about to start and yet does not do so. Tall, bloodless patients, with nervous chills.