Showing 1171–1179 of 1908 results

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    Lilium tigrinum


    Manifests powerful influence over the pelvic organs, and is adapted to many reflex states dependent on some pathological condition of uterus and ovaries. More often indicated in unmarried women. The action of the heart is very marked. Pain in small spots (Oxal ac). Rheumatic arthritis.

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    Limulus cyclops


    Limulus was introduced by C. Hering and partially proved by him and Lippe. Hering was surprised to see the blood of the King-crab that he dissected, blue, which on investigation, was found to contain copper as he had surmised and which he thought would prove to be another medicine for Cholera. Further provings are necessary to establish this, though symptoms so far observed make this probable. Hering’s fertile mind always lead him to pioneer paths into practical therapeutics.

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    Linaria vulgaris

    Toad-flax-Snap Dragon

    Acts prominently within the domain of the pneumogastrics. Eructations, nausea, salivation, pressure on stomach. Jaundice, splenic and hepatic hypertrophy. Enteric symptoms and great drowsiness very marked. Cardiac fainting. Enuresis. Rectal symptoms. Tongue rough, dry; throat constricted. Coldness. Confusion in head. Irresistible sleepiness. Symptoms worse walking in open air.

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    Linum usitatissimum

    Common Flax

    The application of Linseed poultice has produced in sensitive subjects severe respiratory disturbances, as asthma, hives, etc. Its action in such cases is marked by intense irritation. It has been found to contain small quantity of Hydrocyanic acid, which may account for this intensity. The decoction is of service in inflammation of the urinary passages, cystitis, strangury, etc. Also in diseases of the intestinal tract. It has a place in the treatment of asthma, hay-fever and urticaria. Trismus and paralysis of the tongue.

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    Remedy “Herbal Cosmetics”

    Bakson’s Homeopathy – Sunny Lip Balm – Enriched with goodness of Almond oil & Vit. E, it deeply moisturizes & nourishes lips.