Showing 1216–1224 of 1908 results
Magnesia muriatica
Muriate of Magnesia
(MAGNESIA MURIATICA)A liver remedy with pronounced characteristic constipation. Chronic liver affections with tenderness and pain, extending to spine and epigastrium, worse after food. Especially adapted to diseases of women, with a long history of indigestion and uterine disease; children who cannot digest milk. Evil effects of sea bathing.
Magnesia phosphorica
Phosphate of Magnesia
(MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA)The great anti-spasmodic remedy. Cramping of muscles with radiating pains. Neuralgic pains relieved by warmth. Especially suited to tired, languid, exhausted subjects. Indisposition for mental exertion. Goitre.
Magnesia sulphurica
Epsom Salt
(MAGNESIA SULPHURICA)The skin, urinary, and female symptoms are most marked. The purgative action of Sulphate of Magnesia is not a quality of the drug, but a quality of its physical state, which renders its absorption impossible. The properties inherent in the substance itself can only be discovered by attenuation (Percy Wilde).