Showing 262–270 of 1908 results

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    Aralia racemosa

    American Spikenard

    This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with cough aggravated on lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to draughts. Diarrhœa, prolapse of rectum. Aching in rectum extending upwards; worse lying on side lain upon.

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    Aranea diadema

    Papal-Cross Spider

    All spider poisons powerfully affect the nervous system (See tarentula, Mygale, etc).

    All symptoms of Aranea are characterized by periodicity, and coldness, and great susceptibility to dampness. It is the remedy for the constitution favorable to malarial poisoning, where every damp day or place favors chilliness. Patient feels cold to the very bones. Coldness not relieved by anything. Feeling as if parts were enlarged and heavier. Wake up at night with hands feeling twice their natural size. Spleen swollen. Hydrogenoid Constitution, i.e, Abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold, inability to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers, etc, or in damp, chilly places (Nat. Sulph. Thuja).

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    Arbutus andrachne

    Strawberry Tree

    A remedy for eczema associated with gouty and rheumatic symptoms. Arthritis; especially larger joints. Urine rendered more clear. Lumbago. Symptoms shift from skin to joints. Vesical symptoms.

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    Arctium lappa


    Very important in skin therapeutics. Eruptions on the head, face, and neck; pimples; acne. Styes and ulcerations on the edge of the eyelids. Profuse and frequent urination. Crops of boils and styes (Anthracin).

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    Areca catechu

    Betel Nut

    Of use in Helminthiasis. Its alkaloid, Areolin Hydrobrom contracts the pupil, acting more promptly and energetically but of shorter duration than Eserine. Serviceable in glaucoma. Acts also as a salivatory like Pilocarpin. Also increases the amplitude of pulsations of the heart and promotes the contractility of the intestines.

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    Argemone mexicana

    Prickly Poppy

    Colicky cramp and spasm of bowels. Painful neuro-muscular conditions, preventing sleep. Rheumatic disease associated with Bright’s disease (D. MacFarlan).

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