Showing 1063–1071 of 1312 results

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    Rosmarinus officinalis

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    Rubidium carbonicum

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    Rumex acetosa

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    Rumex crispus


    Yellow Dock

    Is characterized by pains, numerous and varied, neither fixed nor constant anywhere. Cough caused by an incessant tickling in the throat-pit, which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bronchial tubes. Touching the throat-pit brings on the cough. Worse from the least cold air; so that all cough ceases by covering up all the body and head with the bedclothes. Rumex diminishes the secretions of mucous membranes, and at the same time exalts sensibility of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. Its action upon the skin is marked, producing an intense itching. Lymphatics enlarged and secretions perverted.

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    Ruta graveolens



    Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus. Complaints from straining flexor tendons especially. Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially wrist. Overstrain of ocular muscles. All parts of the body are painful, as if bruised. Sprains (after Arnica). Lameness after sprains. Jaundice. Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despair. Injured “bruised” bones.

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    Ruthenium metallicum

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    Sabadilla officinalis


    Cevadilla Seed. Asagræa Officialis

    Action on mucous membrane of the nose and the lachrymal glands, producing coryza and symptoms like hay-fever, which have been utilized homeopathically. Chilliness; sensitive to cold. Ascarides, with reflex symptoms (nymphomania; convulsive symptoms). Children’s diarrhœa with constant cutting pains.

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    Sabal serrulata


    Saw Palmetto

    Sabal is homeopathic to irritability of the genito-urinary organs. General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building. Head, stomach, and ovarian symptoms marked. Of unquestioned value in prostatic enlargement, epididymitis, and urinary difficulties. Acts on membrano-prostatic portion of urethra. Iritis, with prostatic trouble.Valuable for undeveloped mammary glands. Fear of going to sleep. Languor, apathy and indifference.

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    Has a special action on the uterus; also upon serous and fibrous membranes; hence its use in gout. Pain from sacrum to the pubis. Hæmorrhages, where blood is fluid and clots together. Tendency to miscarriage, especially at third month. Violent pulsations; wants windows open.