Showing 19–27 of 1312 results

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    Acidum butyricum


    Head.–Worries over trifles; impulsive thoughts of suicide; constant state of fear and nervousness. Headache makes him apprehensive about trifles; worse going upstairs or rapid motion. Dull, hazy ache of head.

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    Acidum carbolicum


    Carbolic Acid is a powerful irritant and anæsthetic. A languid, foul, painless, destructive remedy. Stupor, paralysis of sensation and motion, feeble pulse and depressed breathing, death due to paralysis of respiratory centers. Acts primarily on the central nervous system. Increased olfactory sensibility.

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    Acidum chromicum


    Chromic Acid

    Diphtheria, post-nasal tumors, and epithelioma of the tongue have been benefited by this drug. Bloody, foul-smelling lochia. Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically; offensive discharges.

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    Acidum chrysophanicum

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    Acidum citricum

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    Acidum fluoricum


    Hydrofluoric Acid

    Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Glabella region bloated. Acts especially upon lower tissues, and indicated in deep, destructive processes, bedsores, ulcerations, varicose veins, and ulcers. Patient is compelled to move about energetically. Complaints of old age, or the prematurely aged, with weak, distended blood vessels. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics. Goitre (Dr. Woakes) (Kali fluoride produced bronchocele in dogs). Early decay of teeth. Old cases of nightly fevers, coming on periodically.

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    Acidum formicum

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    Acidum gallicum


    Gallic Acid

    Should be remembered as a remedy in phthisis. It checks the morbid secretions, gives tone to the stomach, and increases the appetite. Passive hæmorrhages when pulse is feeble and capillaries relaxed, cold skin. Hæmaturia. Hæmophilia. Itching of skin. Pyrosis.

    Mind.–Wild delirium at night; very restless, jumps out of bed; sweats; is afraid to be alone; is rude and abuses every one.

    Head.–Pain in back of head and neck. Thick, stringy discharge from nose; photophobia with burning of lids.

    Respiratory.–Pain in lungs; pulmonary hæmorrhage; excessive expectoration. Much mucus in throat in the morning. Dry at night.

    Urinary.–Kidneys painful, distress along ureters into bladder. Dull heavy pain in bladder, directly over pubis. Urine loaded with thick, cream-colored mucus.

    Rectum.–Copious stool; anus feels constricted. Faint feeling after stool. Chronic mucous discharges.

    Relationship.–Compare: Ars; Iod; Phos.

    Dose.–First trituration and pure acid 2 to 5 grain doses

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    Acidum hippuricum


    Proved by Dr. Wm. B. Griggs

    Its chief action is on the external tissues of the eyes and naso-pharynx joint surfaces, liver and mucous membranes. Right side especially affected, general muscular soreness.