Showing 28–36 of 1312 results

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    Acidum hydrocyanicum


    Prussic Acid

    One of the most toxic agents known. Convulsions and paralysis express the action of this remedy. Spasmodic constriction in larynx, feeling of suffocation, pain and tightness in chest, palpitation; pulse weak, irregular. Singing sensation at the epigastrium. Hysterical and epileptic convulsions. Cyanosis. Collapse, due to some pulmonary condition not a cardiac collapse. Catalepsy. Cholera. Stage of collapse (Ars; Verat). Coldness. Tetanus narcolepsy.

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    Acidum lacticum


    Lactic Acid

    Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism offer a field for this remedy. Troubles in the breasts. Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.

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    Acidum muriaticum


    Muriatic Acid


    This acid has an elective affinity for the blood, producing a septic condition similar to that found in low fevers with high temperature and great prostration. Patient becomes so weak she slides down the bed. Decomposition of fluids. Involuntary stools while passing urine. Hæmorrhages. Mouth and anus chiefly effected.

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    Acidum nalidixic

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    Acidum nitricum


    Nitric Acid

    Selects for its special seat of action the outlets of the body where the mucous membrane and skin meet; these pain as from splinters. Sticking pains. Marked improvement of all symptoms while riding in a carriage. Acts best on the dark complexioned and past middle life. Syphilis, after abuse of Mercury. Pains appear and disappear quickly (Bell). Hydrogenoid constitution. Sycotic remedy.

    Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals; bleed easily. Fissures, with pain during stool, as if rectum were torn. All discharges very offensive, especially urine, feces, and perspiration. Persons who have chronic diseases, and take cold easily and disposed to diarrhœa. Excessive physical irritability. Cachexia, due to syphilis, scrofula, intermittent fever with liver involvement and anæmia, etc. Gravel; arthritis. Capillary bleeding after curettage.

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    Acidum nitro muriaticum


    Aqua Regia

    Almost a specific in Oxaluria. Removes the distressing skin symptoms resembling psoriasis. Three to five drops three times a day. So-called bilious conditions; torpid liver, hepatitis and early cirrhosis of liver. More adapted to hepatic torpor and gastric catarrh common in hot and damp climates and aggravated by meat eating and alcohol (Hale). Constricted anus. Gravel.

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    Acidum Oxalicum


    Sorrel Acid

    Although certain oxalates are constant constituents of vegetable food and of the human body, the acid itself is a violent poison when taken internally, producing gastro-enteritis, motor paralysis, collapse, stupor and death. Influences the spinal cord, and produces motor paralysis. Pains very violent, in spots (Kali bichworse, motion, and thinking of themPeriodical remissions. Spasmodic symptoms of throat and chest. Rheumatism of left sideNeurasthenia. Tuberculosis.

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    Acidum phosphoricum


    Phosphoric Acid

    The common acid “debility” is very marked in this remedy, producing a nervous exhaustion. Mental debility first; later physical. A congenial soil for the action of Phos acid is found in young people who grow rapidly, and who are overtaxed, mentally or physically. Whenever the system has been exposed to the ravages of acute disease, excesses, grief, loss of vital fluids, we obtain conditions calling for it. Pyrosis, flatulence, diarrhœa, diabetes, rhachitis and periosteal inflammation. Neurosis in stump, after amputation. Hæmorrhages in typhoid. Useful in relieving pain of cancer.

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    Acidum picricum


    Picric Acid-Trinitrophenol

    Causes degeneration of the spinal cord, with paralysis. Brainfag and sexual excitement. Acts upon the generative organs probably through the lumbar centers of the spinal cord; prostration, weakness and pain of back, pins and needle sensation in extremities. Neurasthenia (Oxal ac). Muscular debility. Heavy tired feeling. Myelitis with spasms and prostration. Writer’s palsy. Progressive, pernicious anæmia. Uræmia with complete anuria. A one per cent solution applied on lint, is the best application for burns until granulations begin to form. Sallow complexion.