Showing 1162–1170 of 1312 results
Strophanthus hispidus
Strophanthus is a muscle poison; it increases the contractile power of all striped muscles. Acts on the heart; increasing the systole and diminishes the rapidity. May be used with advantage to tone the heart, and run off dropsical accumulations. In small doses for weak heart; it feels enlarged. In mitral regurgitation, where œdema and dropsy have supervened (Digit). Strophanthus occasions no gastric distress, has no cumulative effects, is a greater diuretic, and is safer for the aged, as it does not affect the vaso-motors. In pneumonia and in severe prostration from hæmorrhage after operations and acute diseases. After the long use of stimulants; irritable heart of tobacco-smokers. Arterio-sclerosis; rigid arteries of aged. Restores tone to a brittle tissue, especially of the heart muscle and valves. Especially useful in failing compensation dependent upon fatty heart.Hives. Anæmia with palpitation and breathlessness. Exophthalmia goitre. Corpulent persons.