Showing 316–324 of 1312 results

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    Calotropis lactum

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    Caltha palustris



    Pain in abdomen, vomiting, headache, singing in ears, dysuria and diarrhœa. Anasarca.

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    Camphora mono-bromata


    Mono-bromide of Camphor

    Nervous excitability is the guiding condition. Suppression of milk. Nightly emissions. Painful erections. Paralysis agitans. Cholera infantum, and infantile convulsions. Intensifies the action of Quinine and renders it more permanent.

    Mind.–Directions appear reversed, i.e, north seems south, and east seems west. Hysteria; weeping and laughing alternately. Trance-like state.

    Dose.–Second trituration.

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    Camphora officinalis



    Hahnemann says: “The action of this substance is very puzzling and difficult of investigation, even in the healthy organism because its primary action, more frequently than with any other remedy, alternates and becomes intermixed with the vital reactions (after effects) of the organism. On this account it is often difficult to determine what belongs to the vital reactions of the body and what to the alternating effects due to the primary action of the camphor.”

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    Erythraea venusta-Centaury

    Used extensively as a fever remedy and bitter tonic (Gentiana), antimalarial and antiseptic. Of use in severe type of intermittent fever in hot countries; also, in influenza. Sore, as if bruised all over. Sensation of drops falling from and upon different spots.

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    Cannabis indica



    Inhibits the higher faculties and stimulates the imagination to a remarkable degree without any marked stimulation of the lower or animal instinct. A condition of intense exaltation, in which all perceptions and conceptions, all sensations and all emotions are exaggerated to the utmost degree.

    Subconscious or dual nature state. Apparently under the control of the second self, but, the original self, prevents the performance of acts which are under the domination of the second self. Apparently the two natures cannot act independently, one acting as a check, upon the other (Effects of one Dram doses by Dr. Albert Schneider).

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    Cannabis sativa



    Seems to affect especially the urinary, sexual, and respiratory organs. It has characteristic sensations as of dropping water. Great fatigue, as from over-exertion; weary after meals. Choking in swallowing; things go down the wrong way. Stuttering. Confusion of thought and speech. Wavering speech. Wavering speech, hasty, incoherent.

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    Cantharis vesicatoria


    Spanish Fly

    This powerful drug produces a furious disturbance in the animal economy, attacking the urinary and sexual organs especially, perverting their function, and setting up violent inflammations, and causing a frenzied delirium, simulating hydrophobia symptoms (Anagallis). Puerperal convulsions. Produces most violent inflammation of the whole gastro-intestinal canal, especially lower bowel. Oversensitiveness of all parts. Irritation. Raw, burning pains. Hæmorrhages. Intolerable, constant urging to urinate is most characteristic. Gastric, hepatic and abdominal complaints that are aggravated by drinking coffee. Gastric derangements of pregnancy. Dysuria, with other complaints. Increases secretion of mucous membranes, tenacious mucus. The inflammations cantharis produces (bladder, kidneys, ovaries, meninges, pleuritic and pericardial membranes)are usually associated with bladder irritation.

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    Canthartes auea
