Showing 370–378 of 1312 results

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    China muriaticum


    Other Name : Quininum Hydrochloridum

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    China officinalis


    Peruvian Bark-China

    Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, together with a nervous erethism, calls for this remedy. Periodicity is most marked. Sensitive to draughts. Seldom indicated in the earlier stages of acute disease. Chronic gout. Chronic suppurative pyelitis. Post operative gas pains, not relief from passing it.

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    China purum

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    China sulphuricum


    Sulphite of Quinine

    A dose of Chinin sulph in high potency sometimes arouses suppressed malaria, and brings back the paroxysm. Aside from its undoubted influence over malaria, it is indicated homeopathically whenever there is marked periodicity and spinal sensitiveness. Acute articular rheumatism. Polyarticular gout. Pruritus and congested conditions of the rectum. Symptoms of chronic interstitial nephritis. Retro-bulbar neuritis with sudden loss of sight. Thready vessels. Hiccough.

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    Chionanthus virginica



    This remedy is often of service in many types of headaches, neurasthenic, periodical sick, menstrual and bilious. Taken for several weeks, drop doses, will often break up the sick headache habit. The pain in the forehead, chiefly over eyes. Eyeballs very painful, with pressure over root of nose. Hepatic derangements. Jaundice. Enlarged spleen (Ceanoth). Jaundice with arrest of menses. A prominent liver remedy. Gallstones (Berberis; Cholest; Calc). Diabetes mellitus. Paroxysmal, abdominal pain.

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    Chironex Fleckeri

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    Chloralum hydratum


    Chloral Hydrate

    This drug, used in physiological doses, is a powerful hypnotic and cardiac depressant. It has a marked effect on the skin, producing erythema, ecchymosis, etc, which symptoms have been utilized homeopathically with much success, especially in the treatment of hives. Emotional excitability, hallucinations. Night terrors in children. Muscular prostration.

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    Chlorine Gas in Water

    The marked effect on the respiratory organs, producing spasm of the glottis, is the chief symptom of the drug. Asthma to relieve the spasm of glottis. Useful externally and internally in gangrene.

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    General anæsthetic, antispasmodic. Complete muscular relaxation. Weak and quick pulse, shallow or stertorous breathing. Convulsions, nephritic or biliary colic, gastralgia.

    Symptoms obtained by Dr. D. Macfarlan with the 6th potency.

    Great weakness, especially on right side. Limbs very tired from knees down. Much perspiration all over face and chest; drowsy and dizzy; dry lips and throat; dry tickling cough at night. Flatulence; food regurgitates; sore and bruised feeling in stomach; catching pain around heart. Sharp pain in right chest when he takes long breath; shortness of breath on exertion.