Showing 406–414 of 1312 results

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    Cobaltum nitricum

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    Cobaltum phosphoricum

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    Cobaltum sulfuricum

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    Coca erythroxylon


    The Divine Plant of the Incas-but the Spanish priests denounced it as “un delusion del demonio”

    The mountaineer’s remedy. Useful in a variety of complaints incidental to mountain climbing, such as palpitation, dyspnœa, anxiety and insomnia. Exhausted nervous system from physical and mental strain. Caries of teeth. Loss of voice.–Give 5-6 drops, every half hour, two hours before expected demand on voice. Nocturnal enuresis. Emphysema (Quebracho).

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    Cocainum muriaticum

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    Cocculus indicus


    Indian Cockle


    Within the sphere of action of Cocculus are many spasmodic and paretic affections, notably those affecting one-half of the body. Affects the cerebrum, will not cure convulsive seizures proceeding from the spinal cord (A. E. Hinsdale) Painful contracture of limbs and trunk; tetanus. Many of the evil effects of night-watching are relieved by it. It shows a special, attraction for light-haired females, especially during pregnancy, causing much nausea and backache. Unmarried and childless women, sensitive and romantic girls, etc. All its symptoms are worse riding in a carriage or on shipboard; hence its use in seasickness. Sensation of hollowness, or emptiness, as if parts had gone to sleep. Feels too weak to talk loud.

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    Coccus cacti



    The clinical application of the symptoms of this remedy, place it among the medicines for spasmodic and whooping coughs, and catarrhal conditions of the bladder; spasmodic pains in kidneys, with visceral tenesmus. Anuria, anasarca, ascites.

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    Cochlearia armoracia



    Frontal bone and sinus, antrum and salivary glands are specifically affected by this drug. Bloated sensation. Raises vital forces. Used as a gargle in scorbutic gums and sore throat. Hoarseness and in relaxed conditions of the fauces. Internally in gonorrhœa. Useful as a condiment in enfeebled states of the stomach. An infusion of the root in cider, for dropsy, causes copious diuresis. Locally cures dandruff.