Showing 442–450 of 1312 results

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    Cubeba officinali



    Mucous membranes generally, but especially that of the urinary tract, are chiefly affected by this remedy. Frequent urination of a nervous origin. Leucorrhœa in little girls.


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    Cucurbita pepo


    Pumpkin Seed

    Intense nausea immediately after eating. Vomiting of pregnancy. Seasickness. One of the most efficient and least harmful of teniafuges.

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    Culex pipiens

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    Cupressus lawsoniana


    Other Name : Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana

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    Cuprum aceticum


    Acetate of Copper

    Hay-fever, with burning excoriation, paroxysmal cough; tough, tenacious mucus, and fear of suffocation. Protracted labor. Chronic psoriasis and lepra.

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    Cuprum arsenicum


    Arsenite of Copper-Scheele’s Green

    A remedy for symptoms depending on deficient kidney action, various intestinal affections, cholera morbus and infantum; entero-colitis, diarrhœa, and dysentery. Gastro-intestinal disturbances of influenza and typhoid. Uræmic convulsions, headache, vertigo and unconscious conditions resulting from brain œdema. Nephritis of pregnancy. Convulsions preceded by gastro-intestinal symptoms. Chlorosis. Bronchial asthma and with emphysema. Purulent endocarditis (Royal). Painful neuroses, enteroptosis. Delirium and tremor cordis.

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    Cuprum carbonicum

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    Cuprum metallicum



    Spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions, beginning in fingers and toes, violent, contractive, and intermittent pain, are some of the more marked expressions of the action of Cuprum; and its curative range therefore includes tonic and clonic spasms, convulsions, and epileptic attacks. Chorea brought on by fright. Nausea greater than in any other remedy. In epilepsy, aura begins at knees, ascends to hypogastrium; then unconsciousness, foaming, and falling. Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups. Complaints begin in left side (Laches). Tape worm (colloidal Cuprum 3x).

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    Cuprum nitricum
