Showing 541–549 of 1312 results

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    Ferrum phosphoricum


    Phosphate of Iron

    In the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Aconite and Bell, and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gels. The typical Ferr phos subject is not full blooded and robust, but nervous, sensitive, anæmic with the false plethora and easy flushing of Ferrum. Prostration marked; face more active than Gels. The superficial redness never assumes the dusky hue of Gels. Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of Acon. Susceptibility to chest troubles. Bronchitis of young children. In acute exacerbation of tuberculosis, a fine palliative of wonderful power. Corresponds to Grauvogl’s Oxygenoid Constitution, the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating, wasting consumptive.

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    Ferrum picricum


    Picrate of Iron

    Is considered a great remedy to complete the action of other medicines. The symptom that specially calls for it is failure of the function of an organ under exertion; e g, the voice fails after public speaking. Acts best in dark-haired patients, plethoric, with sensitive livers. Warts and epithelial growths; corns with yellowish discoloration. Senile hypertrophy of the prostate. Epistaxis. Chronic deafness and tinnitus due to gout. Meatus dry. Pseudo-leucæmia.

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    Ferrum silicatum

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    Ferrum sulphuricum

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    Ficus indica

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    Ficus religiosa



    This East Indian drug causes and cures hæmorrhages of many kinds. Hæmatemesis, menorrhagia, hæmoptysis, etc. Bloody urine.

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    Filaria nosode

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    Filix mas


    Male Fern

    A remedy for worm symptoms, especially with constipation. Tapeworm. Soporific conditions. Torpid inflammations of lymphatic glands (Maceration of fresh root). Pulmonary tuberculosis in young patients, no fever, with limited, ulcerated lesions, formerly classified as scrofula.

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    Foeniculum vulgare
