Showing 577–585 of 1312 results

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    Gnaphalium uliginosum

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    Gossypium herbaceum



    A powerful emmenagogue, used in physiological doses. Homeopathically, it corresponds to many reflex conditions, depending on disturbed uterine function and pregnancy. Gossypium will relieve tardy menses, especially with sensation that the flow is about to start and yet does not do so. Tall, bloodless patients, with nervous chills.

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    Granatum pomegranate



    As a vermifuge for the expulsion of tapeworm, and homeopathically for the following symptomatic indications. Salivation, with nausea, and vertigo. Spasm of the glottis.

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    Graphites naturalis


    Black Lead-Plumbago

    Like all the carbons, this remedy is an anti-psoric of great power, but especially active in patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold easily. Children impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands. Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Eradicates tendency to erysipelas. Anæmia with redness of face. Tendency to obesity. Swollen genitals. Gushing leucorrhœa. Aids absorption of cicatricial tissue. Induration of tissue. Cancer of pylorus. Duodenal ulcer.

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    Gratiola officinalis


    Hedge Hyssop

    Acts especially on gastro-intestinal tract. Chronic catarrhal conditions, leucorrhœa and gonorrhœa. Obstinate ulcers. Useful in mental troubles from overweening pride. Especially useful in females. Nux symptoms in females often met by Gratiola.

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    Grindelia robusta



    Both Grindelia robusta and Grindelia squarrosa have been used for the symptoms here recorded. There is practically no difference in their action, although the G. Squarrosa is credited with more splenic symptoms, dull pains and fullness in left hypochondrium; chronic malaria; gastric pains associated with splenic congestion. Induces paralysis, beginning in extremities Its action is shown on the heart first quickening, then retarding it.

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    Mikania, Climbing Hemp Weed

    Acts on nervous system and female organs. Antidote to bites of scorpions and serpents (Golondrina). Cholera. Bulbar paralysis. Syphilis. Cancer. Deafness-tongue heavy and difficult to move. Spinal irritation. Spinal symptoms most marked and verified. Beer drinkers threatened with apoplexy. Diarrhœa and dysentery with aching in sacrum and loins.

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    Guaiacum officinale


    Resin of Lignum Vitæ

    Chief action on fibrous tissue, and is especially adapted to the arthritic diathesis, rheumatism, and tonsillitis. Secondary syphilis. Very valuable in acute rheumatism. Free foul secretions. Unclean odor from whole body. Promotes suppuration of abscesses. Sensitiveness and aggravation from local heat. Contraction of limbs, stiffness and immobility. Feeling that he must stretch.