Showing 649–657 of 1312 results

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    Inula helenium



    A mucous membrane medicine. Bearing-down sensations in pelvic organs and bronchial symptoms are most marked. Substernal pain. Diabetes.

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    Iodium purum



    Rapid metabolism: Loss of flesh great appetite. Hungry with much thirst. Better after eating. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration. Iod individual is exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged lymphatic glands, has voracious appetite but gets thin. Tubercular type.

    All glandular structures, respiratory organs, circulatory system are especially affected; they atrophy. Iodine arouses the defensive apparatus of the system by assembling the mononuclear leucocytes whose phagocytic action is marked, at a given point. Lead poisoning. Tremor. Iodine craves cold air.

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    Should not be forgotten in the treatment of tubercular meningitis, both as a local application to the head and internally (Bacil). Tuberculous conditions. Subacute and chronic diarrhœa of children.

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    The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach. Morphia habit. The principal feature of Ipecacuanha is its persistent nausea and vomiting, which form the chief guiding symptoms. Indicated after indigestible food, raisins, cakes, etc. Especially indicated in fat children and adults, who are feeble and catch cold in relaxing atmosphere; warm, moist weather. Spasmodic affections. Hæmorrhages bright-red and profuse.

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    Iridium metallicum


    The Metal

    Intestinal putrefaction and septicæmia. Anæmia, increases red corpuscles. Epilepsy; lupus. Rheumatism and gout. Uterine tumors. Spinal paresis. Exhaustion after disease. Children who are puny, weak-limbed, and grow too fast. Nephritis of pregnancy.

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    Iris tenax

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    Iris versicolor


    Blue Flag

    Thyroid, pancreas, salivary, intestinal glands, and gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, are especially affected. Increases the flow of bile. Sick headaches and cholera morbus are a special therapeutic field for its action.

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    Pilocarpus is a powerful glandular stimulant and the most efficient diaphoretic. Its most important effects are diaphoresis, salivation and myosis. Hot flushes, nausea, salivation and profuse perspiration. The face, ears and neck become in a few minutes after a dose of Jaborandi deeply flushed, and drops of perspiration break out all over the body whilst at the same time the mouth waters and saliva pours out in an almost continuous stream. Other secretions, lachrymal, nasal bronchial and intestinal also but in less degree. The sweat and saliva produced by a single dose is often enormous in quantity, not infrequently half a pint.

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    Jacaranda caroba


    Brazilian Caroba-tree

    Has reputation as a remedy in venereal diseases and rheumatism. Morning sickness. The urinary and sexual symptoms are important. Rheumatic symptoms.