Showing 766–774 of 1312 results

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    Lycopersicum esculentum



    Marked symptoms of rheumatism and influenza. Severe aching pains all over body. Pains left after influenza. Head always shows signs of acute congestion. Hay-fever, with marked aggravation from breathing the least dust. Frequent urination and profuse watery diarrhœa.

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    Lycopodium clavatum


    Club Moss

    This drug is inert until the spores are crushed. Its wonderful medicinal properties are only disclosed by trituration and succussion.

    In nearly all cases where Lycopodium is the remedy, some evidence of urinary or digestive disturbance will be found. Corresponds to Grauvogle’s carbo-nitrogenoid constitution, the non-eliminative lithæmic. Lycopodium is adapted more especially to ailments gradually developing, functional power weakening, with failures of the digestive powers, where the function of the liver is seriously disturbed. Atony. Malnutrition. Mild temperaments of lymphatic constitution, with catarrhal tendencies; older persons, where the skin shows yellowish spots, earthy complexion, uric acid diathesis, etc; also precocious, weakly children. Symptoms characteristically run from right to left, acts especially on right side of body, and are worse from about 4 to 8 pm. In kidney affections, red sand in urine, backache, in renal region; worse before urination. Intolerant of cold drinks; craves everything warm. Best adapted to persons intellectually keen, but of weak, muscular power. Deep-seated, progressive, chronic diseases. Carcinoma.Emaciation. Debility in morning. Marked regulating influence upon the glandular (sebaceous) secretions. Pre-senility. Ascites, in liver disease. Lycop patient is thin, withered, full of gas and dry. Lacks vital heat; has poor circulation, cold extremities. Pains come and go suddenly. Sensitive to noise and odors.

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    Lycopus virginicus



    Lower the blood pressure, reduces the rate of the heart and increases the length of systole to a great degree. Passive hæmorrhages (Adrenaline 6x).

    A heart remedy, and of use in exophthalmic goitre and hæmorrhoidal bleeding. Indicated in diseases with tumultuous action of the heart and more or less pain. Hæmoptysis due to valvular heart disease. Beneficial in toxic goitre used in the pre-operative stage dose, 5 drops of tincture (Beebe).

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    Lysimachia nummularia

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    “Resinoid” from Cimicifuga racemosa.

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    Magnesia acetica

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    Magnesia arsenicata

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    Magnesia bromata

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    Magnesia carbonica


    Carbonate of Magnesia

    Gastro-intestinal catarrh, with marked acidity. Often used with advantage for complains arising in people who have been taking this drug to sweeten the stomach. Is frequently indicated in children; whole body smells sour, and disposed to boils. Broken-down, “worn-out” women, with uterine and climacteric disorders. With numbness and distension in various, parts and nerve prostration. Sensitive to the least start, noise, touch, etc. Affection of the antrum of Highmore. Effects of shock, blows, mental distress. Sense of numbness; nerve prostration; tendency to constipation after nervous strain; sensitive to least touch, it causes starting, or cold winds or weather or from excess of care and worry with constipation and heaviness. Intense neuralgic pains.