Showing 865–873 of 1312 results

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    Natrum chloratum



    Labarraque’s Solution

    In congested and atonic states of the uterus and its ligaments, with hepatic disorders. Chronic catarrhal diseases of the middle ear. Flabby, debilitated constitution. Both hands swollen in morning. Phlegmatic. Depressed, faint.

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    Natrum fluoricum



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    Natrum Hypochlorosum


    Labarraque’s Solution

    In congested and atonic states of the uterus and its ligaments, with hepatic disorders. Chronic catarrhal diseases of the middle ear. Flabby, debilitated constitution. Both hands swollen in morning. Phlegmatic. Depressed, faint.

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    Natrum hypophosphorosum

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    Natrum iodatum

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    Natrum mur. bit.

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    Natrum muriaticum


    Chloride of Sodium

    The prolonged taking of excessive salt causes profound nutritive changes to take place in the system, and there arise not only the symptoms of salt retention as evidenced by dropsies and œdemas, but also an alteration in the blood causing a condition of anæmia and leucocytosis. There seems also to be a retention in the tissues of effecte materials giving rise to symptoms loosely described as gouty or rheumatic gout. The provings are full of such symptoms (Dr. Stonham) A great remedy for certain forms of intermittent fever, anæmia, chlorosis, many disturbances of the alimentary tract and skin. Great debility; most weakness felt in the morning in bed. Coldness. Emaciation most notable in neck. Great liability to take cold. Dry mucous membranes. Constrictive sensation throughout the body. Great weakness and weariness. Oversensitive to all sorts of influences. Hyperthyroidism. Goitre. Addison’s disease. Diabetes.

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    Natrum nitricum


    Nitrate of Sodium

    A Rademacherian remedy for inflammations. Hæmoptysis. Hæmaturia. Purpura hæmorrhagica. Hæmorrhagic Variola. Drowsiness. Pains of tabes. Influenza. Hemoglobinuria. Uric acid diathesis. Asthma with urine supersaturated with solids. Anæmia and hydræmia. Exhaustion, must rest frequently when walking.

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    Natrum phosphoricum


    Phosphate of Sodium

    Natrum phosphoricum is the remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid, often resulting from too much sugar. Ailments, with excess of acidity. Sour eructations and taste. Sour vomiting. Yellow, creamy coating at the back of the roof of mouth and tongue. Inflammation of any part of the throat, with sensation of a lump in throat. Flatulence, with sour risings. Colic, with symptoms of worms. Cracking of joints. Jaundice (1x trit). Oxaluria.