Showing 1684–1692 of 1908 results

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    Remedy “Orthopedic”

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    Spongia tosta

    Roasted Sponge

    A remedy especially marked in the symptoms of the respiratory organs, cough, croup, etc. Heart affections and often indicated for the tubercular diathesis. Children with fair complexion, lax fiber; swollen glands. Exhaustion and heaviness of the body after slight exertion, with orgasm of blood to chest, face. Anxiety and difficult breathing.

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    Squilla maritima


    A slow acting remedy. Corresponds to ailments requiring several days to reach their maximum. Persistent, dull, rheumatic pains permeate the body. A spleen medicine; stitches under left free ribs. Important heart and kidneys medicine. Broncho-pneumonia.

    Acts especially on mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts, and also upon the kidneys. Valuable in chronic bronchitis of old people with mucous rales, dyspnœa, and scanty urine.

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    Stachys betonica

    Betony Wood

    Produces pains in various parts.

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    Stannum metallicum


    Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs. Debility is very marked when Stannum is the remedy, especially the debility of chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions, characterized by profuse muco-purulent discharges upon tuberculosis basis. Talking causes a very weak feeling in the throat and chest. Pains that come and go gradually, call unmistakably for Stannum. Paralytic weakness; spasms; paralysis.