Showing 1711–1719 of 1908 results
Strophanthus hispidus
Strophanthus is a muscle poison; it increases the contractile power of all striped muscles. Acts on the heart; increasing the systole and diminishes the rapidity. May be used with advantage to tone the heart, and run off dropsical accumulations. In small doses for weak heart; it feels enlarged. In mitral regurgitation, where œdema and dropsy have supervened (Digit). Strophanthus occasions no gastric distress, has no cumulative effects, is a greater diuretic, and is safer for the aged, as it does not affect the vaso-motors. In pneumonia and in severe prostration from hæmorrhage after operations and acute diseases. After the long use of stimulants; irritable heart of tobacco-smokers. Arterio-sclerosis; rigid arteries of aged. Restores tone to a brittle tissue, especially of the heart muscle and valves. Especially useful in failing compensation dependent upon fatty heart.Hives. Anæmia with palpitation and breathlessness. Exophthalmia goitre. Corpulent persons.
Strychninum phosphoricum
Phosphate of Strychnin
(STRYCHNIA PHOSPHORICA)This drug acts through the cerebro-spinal system upon muscles, causing twitching, stiffness, weakness and loss of power; upon circulation, producing irregularity of pulse, and upon the mind, producing lack of control, uncontrollable desire to laugh and disinclination to use the brain. Very irregular pulse. Tachycardia. Rapid and weak pulse. Useful in chorea, hysteria, acute asthenia after acute fevers. Symptoms worse motion, better rest and in open air. An excellent remedy in anæmia of spinal cord; paralysis; burning, aching, and weakness of spine; pain extends to front of chest; tenderness on pressure in mid-dorsal region; cold, clammy feet; hands and axillæ covered with clammy perspiration. Atelectasis and break in the compensation of a hypertrophied heart; the beginning of fatty degeneration of the heart muscle (Royal).
Strychninum pure
Alkaloid of Nux Vomica
(STRYCHNINUM)Its primary function is to stimulate the motor centers and the reflex action of the spinal cord. Homeopathic to spasms of muscles, cramps from an undue reflex excitability of the cord, spasms of the bladder, etc. Strychnin stimulates the central nervous system, mental activities, special senses rendered more acute. Respiration increased. All reflexes are made more active. Stiffness in muscles and face and neck. Opisthotonos. Tetanic convulsions with opisthotonos. The muscles relax between paroxysms; worse slightest touch, sound, odor. Influences more directly the spinal cord and is less appropriate in visceral derangements than Nux. Tetanus. Explosive nervousness. The pains and sensations come suddenly and return at intervals.