Showing 1252–1260 of 1908 results

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    Remedy “Female disorders”

    For releif from symptoms like hot flushes, palpitation and irritability associated with menopause.

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    Remedy “Female disorders”

    A complete health tonic to alleviate the problems pertaining to phasic changes in the female reproductive sphere.

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    Remedy “Female disorders”

    For absence or ceasation of menstruation, insufficaint flow, painful menstruation and white discharge

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    Mentha piperita


    Stimulates the cold-perceiving nerves, so just after taking it, a current of air at the ordinary temperature seems cold. Marked action on respiratory organs and skin. Useful in gastrodynia, flatulent cold.

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    The stearopten from the essential oil of Mentha. Mucous membrane of naso-pharynx and spinal nerve plexus, producing neuritic pains and parethesias. Menthol has proved curative in acute nasal catarrh; in acute eustachian catarrh; pharyngitis; laryngitis; neuralgias, etc (Wm. B. Griggs, M. D). Itching, especially pruritus valvæ.

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    Menyanthes trifoliata


    A remedy for certain headaches, intermittent fever. Coldness of abdomen. Twitchings. Sensation of tension and compression. Fidgets and urinary difficulties in women. Diabetes.

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    Mephitis mephitica


    A great medicine for whooping-cough. In order to insure its full success, it should be given in the lower dilutions from 1x to 3x. Suffocative feeling, asthmatic paroxysms, spasmodic cough; cough so violent, seems as if each spell would terminate life. Child must be raised up, gets blue in face, cannot exhale, Mucous rales through upper part of chest. Patient wants to bathe in ice-cold water.

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    Mercurialis perennis

    Dog’s Mercury

    Great exhaustion and drowsiness. Tumor at ensiform appendix, very sensitive. Affections of the muscular fibers of stomach, intestines, bladder.