Showing 1270–1278 of 1908 results
Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni
(MERCURIUS – HYDRARGYRUM)Every organ and tissue of the body is more or less affected by this powerful drug; it transforms healthy cells into decrepit, inflamed and necrotic wrecks, decomposes the blood, producing a profound anæmia. This malignant medicinal force is converted into useful life saving and life preserving service if employed homeopathically, guided by its clear cut symptoms. The lymphatic system is especially affected with all the membranes and glands, and internal organs, bones etc. Lesions produced by mercury very similar to those of syphilis. Very often indicated in the secondary stage of syphilis where there is a febrile chloro-anæmia, rheumatoid pains behind sternum, around joints, etc; ulcerations of mouth and throat, falling of the air, the eruptions and ulcerations of mouth and throat, etc. These are the special conditions and stages to which Mercur is homeopathic and where the 2x will do surprising work. Again, hereditary syphilis manifestations, are within its range; bullæ, abscesses, snuffles, marasmus, stomatitis or destructive inflammations. Tremors everywhere. Weakness with ebullitions and tremblings from least exertion. All Mercury symptoms are worse at night, from warmth of bed, from damp, cold, rainy weather, worse during perspiration. Complaints increase with the sweat and rest; all associated with a great deal of weariness, prostration, and trembling. A human “thermometer”. Sensitive to heat and cold. Parts are much swollen, with raw, sore feeling; the profuse, oily perspiration does not relieve. Breath, excretions and body smell foul. Tendency to formation of pus, which is thin, greenish, putrid; streaked with thin blood.
Mercurius sulphuricus
Turpethum Minerale–Yellow Sulphate of Mercury
(MERCURIUS SULPHURICUS – HYDRARG. OXYD. SUB-SULPH.)Watery stools, burning in anus. Sore tip of tongue. Œdema of legs. Sneezing from direct rays of sun. Diarrhœa early in the morning; stool bursts out in a hot stream of yellow matter. Intense evacuations, like rice-water. Scanty, clear, scalding urine. Intense dyspnœa; must sit up. Respiration rapid, short; burning in chest. Hydrothorax (Ars). Cardiac pain and weakness
Methylene blue
One of the Aniline Dyes
(METHYLENE BLUE)A remedy for neuralgia, neurasthenia, malaria; typhoid, here it diminishes the tympanites, delirium, and fever; pus infection. Tendency to tremor, chorea and epilepsy. Nephritis (acute parenchymatous), scarlatinal nephritis. Urine acquires a green color. Bladder irritation from its use antidoted by a little nutmeg. Surgical kidney with large amount of pus in urine. Gonorrhœal rheumatism and cystitis. Backache, sciatica. Later states of apoplexy (Gisevius).
Spurge Olive
Skin symptoms, affections of bones, and neuralgias most important, especially about teeth and face. Bruised, weary feeling in joints, with drawing and stiffness. Pains of various kinds, with chilliness and sensitiveness to cold air. Bone pains. Eruptions after vaccination. Burning, darting sensation in the muscles; subsultus tendinum. Pains shoot upward and seem to draw patient up out of bed. Semi-lateral complaints. Patient is very sensitive to cold air.
Remedy “Nervous Disorderes”
It provides instant relief in any type of headache like migraine, periodical headache of school children, premenstrual headaches, climacteric headaches, headache due to eye strain or on exposure to heat of sun or light.
Remedy “Life Style”
For migraine headaches, neuralgic pains, one sided, in the area of the temple, eye and forhead, migrain with vomiting, migrain due to change in weather, due to nervous tension.