Showing 1261–1269 of 1908 results
Mercurius bin iod
Bin-iodide of MercuryDiphtheria and ulcerated sore throats, especially on left side, with much glandular swelling. Chronic suppurating buboes. Hard chancres. Old cases of syphilis in scrofulous patients. Early stages of cold, especially in children.
Mercurius corrosivus
Corrosive Sublimate
This salt leads all other remedies in tenesmus of the rectum, which is incessant, and is not relieved by the stool. The tenesmus often involves the bladder as well. Bright’s disease. Gonorrhœa; second stage, with continuous tenesmus. Destroys the secreting portions of the kidneys. This process is slow, but sure. Albuminuria in early pregnancy (Phosph later and at full term).
Mercurius cyanatus
Cyanide of Mercury
Acute infections, pneumonia, nephritis. Its action is similar to that of the toxines of infections diseases. Great and rapid prostration, tendency toward hæmorrhages, from the different orifices, of dark fluid blood, cyanosis, rapid respiration and heart action, albuminuria and twitching and jerking of muscles. Typhoid pneumonia.
Mercurius dulcis
Has marked effect on catarrhal inflammation of ear, and useful in Eustachian catarrh, deafness. Diarrhœa, with soreness of anus. Prostatitis. Remittent bilious attacks. Pallor, flabby bloatedness, and turgid flaccidity. Inflammation with plastic exudate. Especially indicated in systems disposed to remittent bilious fevers; in peritonitis and meningitis with plastic exudate. Dropsies due to combined renal and cardiac diseases, especially with jaundice (Hale). Cirrhosis of the liver, especially in the hypertrophic form. Use 1x (Jousset).
Mercurius iodatus flavus
Proto-iodide of Mercury (Merc iod./Merc proto iod)
Throat affections, with greatly swollen glands and characteristic coating of tongue. Worse, right side. Chancre; induration remains long time. Swollen inguinal glands, large and hard. Mammary tumors, with tendency to much warm perspiration and gastric disturbances.